
Showing posts from December, 2017


T H E   B E N E D I C T I O N Newsletter of St. Benedict’s Anglican Catholic Church O   WORSHIP   THE   LORD   IN   THE   BEAUTY   OF   HOLINESS Our parish (founded in 1979) has maintained the Liturgy of the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Our preaching and teaching draw on the Holy Scriptures in light of the Tradition of the Church from the earliest days. Advent/ Christmas 2017 From the Rector’s Desk Advent is the first season of the Church year, and the idea of New Year’s resolutions ought to pale in comparison to the God-ward turning that is represented by the first of our two major Penitential seasons. I hope we all understand why we must resist the emphasis on shopping and the secular pressures about holiday preparation that compete for our attention. The world has decided that “Christmas” is the name of a shopping season that runs between Thanksgiving Day (or July 4 th ) and the Feast of Saint Stephen on Decembe...