
T H E B E N E D I C T I O N Newsletter of St. Benedict’s Anglican Catholic Church O WORSHIP THE LORD IN THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS Our parish (founded in 1979) has maintained the Liturgy of the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Our preaching and teaching draw on the Holy Scriptures in light of the Tradition of the Church from the earliest days. Advent and Christmas 2018 From the Rector’s Desk I admit that I wrote the following four paragraphs two years ago. However, inasmuch as we have new people, and because it seems relevant and worth repeating, I include it again. Every year I urge you to resist the pressures of secular Christmas. I do not mean to say that you should make friends or family feel neglected, but that this is a time of year to remember the two sisters of Lazarus, Martha and Mary. Let us revisit that episode from the Gospel of L...