
      T H E   B E N E D I C T I O N
Newsletter of St. Benedict’s Anglican Catholic Church


Our parish (founded in 1979) has maintained the Liturgy of the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Our preaching and teaching draw on the Holy Scriptures in light of the Tradition of the Church from the earliest days.

Advent and Christmas 2018
From the Rector’s Desk
I admit that I wrote the following four paragraphs two years ago. However, inasmuch as we have new people, and because it seems relevant and worth repeating, I include it again.

Every year I urge you to resist the pressures of secular Christmas. I do not mean to say that you should make friends or family feel neglected, but that this is a time of year to remember the two sisters of Lazarus, Martha and Mary. Let us revisit that episode from the Gospel of Luke (10:38-42).

Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

          Amid the busy-ness of Christmas, do not neglect your soul, neither the meaning of the season in which “the babe, the world’s Redeemer, first revealed His sacred face.” Do not let cares for many things prevent you from sitting at the feet of Jesus, both at home each day, and in His Church where His people are assembled. We celebrate in this season the love of God manifested. We see the Word made flesh, at once God and man, to save us from sin and death.
          I know that the ancient tradition of Christmas as part of the Church Calendar is not understood even by many modern Christians, especially here in the U.S. The word we use in English speaking countries, “Christmas,” comes from the words the Christ Mass. This draws attention directly to the Holy Communion and the celebration of it together in church. This year, like Mary, remember to choose that good part.

Epiphany 2019
          This year I also want to highlight the Epiphany, called in some countries “Little Christmas.” The date is January 6, and so it will fall on a Sunday. That is convenient.  This is one of the major feasts of the Church year, celebrating the arrival of the Magi (Wise Men) as signaling that God has revealed His salvation to the whole world. For most of us, from the various nations of the earth, that is good news worth celebrating.

Organ Recital and Evensong
Our organist (and, I do not hesitate to add, Artist in Residence) James Lazenby will present what has become a tradition in our parish: The Advent Organ Recital. It will begin at 4:00 PM on the First Sunday in Advent (December 2). This year the music will be the works of English composers from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. It will be followed by a traditional Anglican Evensong, a chanted or sung Evening Prayer. It is a very popular Anglican form of Service, and offers a rich experience.

Christmas Offering
Enclosed please see the envelope for your Christmas Offering. This is included every year in our budget.

Annual Meeting
Please take note: Every member of the congregation is hereby informed that the Annual Meeting for 2019, at which decisions are made by the voting members of the parish (those of you who come regularly, are over eighteen, have been Confirmed, and will have pledged to contribute financially to the parish) will be on Sunday January 27, following a potluck luncheon immediately following the 10:00 AM service of Holy Communion.

Food Basket
Please remember items for the Food Basket. It goes to help people in need of food.

St. Benedict’s Women
Dr. Karen St. Claire is continuing to organize the St. Benedict’s Women’s Group. If you have not been contacted yet, please contact her or the church about it.

Schedule for Christmas Services
Christmas Eve
11:00 PM Holy Communion (Traditional Midnight Mass)
Christmas Day
Holy Communion 10:00 AM

Feast of the Epiphany SUNDAY January 6
Usual Sunday schedule

Regular weekly schedule
8:30 AM Morning Prayer/ Holy Communion
9:30 AM Sunday School for children
10:00 AM Holy Communion 11:40 Bible Study
Holy communion 12:00 noon
Evening Prayer 6:30 PM
3:00PM Holy Communion at the Stratford Senior Care Facility

St. Benedict’s Anglican Church is a parish of the Diocese of the South, Anglican Catholic Church, Original Province.

Most Rev. Dr. Mark D. Haverland, Archbishop Ordinary

Rev. Robert Hart, Rector
Mr. Michael Murray, Senior Warden
Dr. Gordon Inbeanu, Junior Warden
Mr. James Lazenby, Minister of Music

St. Benedict’s website:

Phone# 919-933-0956


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