
Showing posts from January, 2021


  CLICK HERE for the antecommunion and sermon.


STATE OF THE PARISH For the Annual Meeting of St. Benedict’s ACC in 2021. Fr. Hart, Rector.     To speak of the State of St. Benedict ’s Parish during this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is like firing a shot in the dark. No clergyman was ever trained for what we have been going through. No normal protocols are in place for it, and no handbook was ever written for it. I have no interest in every armchair quarterback’s expertise on masks or vaccines, or even on the disease itself. For understanding the virus as much as possible, this parish has a physician with Duke University Hospital , and it is my personal policy to listen to Dr. Karen St. Claire more than any other member of this parish when it comes to medical matters. It is my personal policy also to listen in the same way to Dr. Gordon Ibeanu on the subject of the vaccines.           However, when it comes to the effect of the pandemic on the parish, we have to take ...