T H E B E N E D I C T I O N Newsletter of St. Benedict’s Anglican Catholic Church O WORSHIP THE LORD IN THE BEAUTY OF HOLINESS Our parish (founded in 1979) has maintained the Liturgy of the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Our preaching and teaching draw on the Holy Scriptures in light of the Tradition of the Church from the earliest days. Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany 2022-3 From the Rector’s Desk The meaning of Christmas The humility of God is a staggering fact that leaps off the pages of the Gospels. For we see the Son, equal with God, deem to be made human for the sake of all people who were lost in sin and death; to take upon Himself our very nature, to be found in fashion as a man, to take upon Him the form of a servant, to be obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, as written in Saint Paul’s famous passage to the P...
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