T H E   B E N E D I C T I O N

Newsletter of St. Benedict’s Anglican Catholic Church


Our parish (founded in 1979) has maintained the Liturgy of the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Our preaching and teaching draw on the Holy Scriptures in light of the Tradition of the Church from the earliest days.

On the 17th Sunday after Trinity we had three baptisms and a visit from the Rt. Rev. Mushtaq Andrew, Bishop of Pakistan (standing next to Fr. Hart). Also pictured, (L to R) Moo Thu, Ka Yer Paw, Eh Moo Paw, Moo Pway Htoo and Pay Klay. Moo Thu and Pay Klay were sponsers for the baptisms.

 Late Trinity Tide 2017

From the Rector’s Desk

       It is plain to see that Chapel Hill isn’t full of church shoppers who come to us. Visitors to St. Benedict’s are, most often, from out of town, worshiping with us during a family visit. It is good that we make efforts, for example putting out door hangers. Nonetheless, it is important to know that the churches that grow in number do so mostly because church members (i.e. folks like you) invite people to come.

          Evangelism is the mission of the Church, and being a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ is the calling of every Christian. From the four Gospels we can see that this charge has come to us from no less then the Risen Christ Himself. So, again I will publish for you a version of the Prayer for Church Growth that you may use at home. While saying this prayer, among your daily prayers, I ask you to seek and to be open to your own opportunities and of the leading of the Holy Spirit.

O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Whose will is that none should perish, and Who hast given us gifts by thy Holy Spirit to do thy will on earth, By the power of the same Holy Spirit make us always true and living witnesses for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; And so guide us and use us to bring people into thy holy church. Grow this parish in Chapel Hill that is named in honor of thy saint Benedict. Make us a light to the world around us. Draw people to our parish that they may partake of Christ and His salvation in our fellowship. And Father,  Direct us in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; All of this we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Archbishop’s Annual Visit
On October 22, Archbishop Haverland will be with us. The service will be for the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. The 10:00 AM Holy Communion will be followed by a potluck luncheon.

2017 Joint Anglican Synods

The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, Arise, and go down to the potter's house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. Then I went down to the potter's house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel (Jeremiah 18:1-6). 

On October 4-6, the Anglican Diocese of the Holy Cross (DHC), the Anglican Province in America (APA), the Anglican Church in America (ACA), and the Anglican Catholic Church (ACC) came together in Atlanta Georgia. Each jurisdiction held the business sessions necessary to a provincial synod separately, inasmuch as those meetings are about all sorts of specific things, many of which are put to a vote, some involving budgets, etc. But the spiritual and social activities, from church services to meals, were all held together. On the last day of the gathering, Friday October 6, all synod business having been concluded, everything was done together. In the morning, the four leading bishops signed the agreement for full communion. This was followed by a man in the crowd calling out "Praise God!" and a spontaneous rendering, sung by all of us, of the Doxology. A little bit later the four jurisdictions held a Mass together. 

          When the four leading bishops were preparing to sign the agreement, Bishop Hewitt spoke of the "hand of God on us,” and of "the anointing" of the Holy Spirit. When considering the Biblically significant number of forty years (since the St. Louis Congress in 1977), and the leading of four bishops (evoking the memory of the first four Continuing bishops of the Denver Consecrations a few months after the Congress of St. Louis), it does appear that God Himself is the One Who has arranged these events, and Who is speaking to us "for such a time as this." I believe that God Himself judged it best for us to wander in division until He cleansed out from us much of the sins and error still in our old Episcopal Church and Church of Canada hard hearts, as a people, most especially the deadly sin of pride. As the ancient prophets of Israel told on their own people, and as the people eventually heard it to become a people prepared by God, so it is for us at this time as Continuing Anglicans. Our parish is part of this, both a part of the history and of the remaking (From St. Benedict’s, Fr. Hart, James Lazenby, Jackie Kylander and Diane Hart were attendance.)

The four leading bishops are pictured above, from left to right, the Rt. Rev. Paul Hewitt (DHC), the Most Rev. Walter Grundorf (APA), the Most Rev. Dr. Mark Haverland (ACC), and the Most Rev. Brian Marsh (ACA).

8:30 AM Morning Prayer
10:00 AM Holy Communion with Sunday school for children in the parish hall.
(Bible Study at about 11:35)

Holy communion 12:00 noon
Evening Prayer 6:30 PM

3:00PM Holy Communion at the Stratford Senior Care Facility

St. Benedict’s Anglican Church is a parish of the Diocese of the South, Anglican Catholic Church, Original Province.  Most Rev. Dr. Mark D. Haverland, Archbishop Ordinary
                                                            Rev. Robert Hart, Rector
 Mr. Michael Murray, Senior Warden
Dr. Gordon Ibeanu, Junior Warden
Mr. James Lazenby, Music Minister

St. Benedict’s website:                 

Phone# 919-933-0956


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