T H E   B E N E D I C T I O N

Newsletter of St. Benedict’s Anglican Catholic Church 


Our parish (founded in 1979) has maintained the Liturgy of the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Our preaching and teaching draw on the Holy Scriptures in light of the Tradition of the Church from the earliest days.


Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany 2022-3

From the Rector’s Desk

The meaning of Christmas


The humility of God is a staggering fact that leaps off the pages of the Gospels. For we see the Son, equal with God, deem to be made human for the sake of all people who were lost in sin and death; to take upon Himself our very nature, to be found in fashion as a man, to take upon Him the form of a servant, to be obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, as written in Saint Paul’s famous passage to the Philippians. This obedience unto death is a service that would be quite remarkable from someone who is a creature; but the Son is not a creature; He is begotten not made. He is equal with God, eternally one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. What great kindness shown to us, the race of rebels, that we see His sacred face the holy night of His birth. Into the eternity of His Divine Person He took time; into His Godhead eternally begotten not created, he took our created nature; into His omnipotence he took the weakness of a newborn infant; into His omnipresence he took the location of a human body; into His omniscience He took the mind of a man. Into His Divine life as the maker of created life, he took our mortal nature, indeed death itself, and so swallowed up death, to give us eternal life, adopted through him as children of God forever.

       In all of this we see that God does not deal with us as our sins deserve. If we must cast aside our hope in the best idealism that fallen man can muster, it is for a greater hope, a love that exceeds the story of every romance ever written. It is the love of God for the undeserving children of men, benevolence extended where wrath is deserved, immortality where death is justly due, the joy of God’s kingdom where hell was earned. This hope for all who will believe and repent, purchased by our Redeemer’s shed blood, sealed by His resurrection and victory over death, is peace with God. This is the song of the angels: This is “Peace on Earth, goodwill toward men.”



On Saturday October 15 Mr. Nicholas Harrelson was ordained a Deacon at St. Benedict’s by Archbishop Haverland. God willing, he should be ordained to the priesthood during 2023.


Going forward

Deacon Harrelson and I have very real and serious ideas and plans for church growth, the first idea to be implemented early in the year.  Everyone is invited to participate and to invite people you know. This includes, among other ideas, study of books that are of interest among people at Duke University, or graduates of the same. The first book we plan to hold a study group on is THAT ALL SHALL BE SAVED, written by my brother David Bentley Hart, PhD. We expect his participation for part of it either by Zoom, or maybe in person. That alone is expected to draw people in due to the interest many people have in his work. We are starting with that book because the topic is of interest to many, and that book is receiving a lot of attention. Working “two by two” in this manner is quite ideal, we believe, because Deacon Harrelson has the student and former student contacts to invite, and I have well-known and interesting contacts in and through my brother, who has been called “A theological rock star” more than once in the news media. In this and other ways we know we have our work cut out for us. We invite your participation and request your regular prayers for the ongoing mission of this parish.


Evening prayer on Zoom

We are looking to expand our weekly Monday night community Evening Prayer that makes use of Zoom. That is, you can join in from home or wherever you can connect by computer or other device. You may present your email address to Deacon Harrelson or simply type in this address:


At the time of this writing it seems most probable that it will be Wednesday that will be added (so, two evenings each week, making it as easy as possible to participate in one or the other, or both). I will remind you that the offices are called, in our Book of Common Prayer, Daily Morning Prayer, and Daily Evening Prayer. The emphasis in our community prayers making use of Zoom is prayer that has as one main focus church growth, praying that God will use our efforts for  evangelism. Also, I ask that each of you commit to praying for church growth, remembering that the most effective evangelists are you, the people, inviting others to come, to “Taste and see that the Lord is good” as we gather together at Saint Benedict’s.


Prayer for Church Growth

To that end, again I ask each of you to make use of this prayer each day.


O God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Whose will is that none should perish, and Who hast given us gifts by thy Holy Spirit to do thy will on earth, By the power of the same Holy Spirit make us always true and living witnesses for thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; And so guide us and use us to bring people into thy holy church. Grow this parish in Chapel Hill that is named in honor of thy saint Benedict. Make us a light to the world around us. Draw people to our parish that they may partake of Christ and His salvation in our fellowship. And Father,  Direct us in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor, and further us with thy continual help; that in all our works begun, continued, and ended in thee, we may glorify thy holy Name, and finally, by thy mercy, obtain everlasting life; All of this we pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.




Your 2023 Pledge

Please send in your pledge for 2023 as soon as you can. If you cannot find the letter just contact me or Michael Murray. You can even email your 2023 pledge to


Christmas Offering

Enclosed please see the envelope for your Christmas Offering. This is for special thanks to God for everything this holy feast means to us.


Annual Meeting

Please take note: Every member of the congregation is hereby informed that the Annual Meeting for 2023, at which decisions are made by the voting members of the parish, will be on Sunday January 29 following the 10:00 AM service of Holy Communion. First we will have a potluck luncheon, after which the meeting will begin.


Food Basket

Please remember items for the Food Basket. It goes to help people in need of food.


Schedule for Christmas Services

Christmas Eve Saturday Dec. 24

3:00 PM Holy Communion at the Stratford Senior Center

11:00 PM Holy Communion (Traditional Midnight Mass)

Christmas Day Sunday Dec. 25

Holy Communion (Sung Mass) 10:00 AM

Feast of the Epiphany Friday, January 6

Holy Communion 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM


Regular weekly schedule


8:30 AM Morning Prayer

10:00 AM Holy Communion

11:40 Bible Study


Holy communion 12:00 noon


Holy Communion at the Stratford Senior Center 3:00 PM


St. Benedict’s Anglican Church is a parish of the Diocese of the South, Anglican Catholic Church, Original Province.


Most Rev. Dr. Mark D. Haverland, Archbishop Ordinary

Rev. Robert Hart, Rector

Rev. Deacon Nicholas Harrelson

Mr. Michael Murray, Senior Warden

Mrs. Jackie Kylander, Junior Warden

Mr. James Lazenby, Minister of Music


St. Benedict’s website:

Phone# 919-933-0956


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